Counselling Therapy in Sandyford Dublin 18, on the Luas Green Line, off the M50.

Are you struggling at the moment, not feeling like yourself? 

Are you feeling low, or anxious a lot of the time?

Is there something affecting you like alcohol, drugs or gambling?

Are you constantly fighting with your partner, or a family member?

Do you struggle with your food or body image, or both? 

Have you or a family member recently received a diagnosis and are unsure of how to adapt to the changes this will bring? 

Do you struggle with your food, your weight and/ or your body image?


If you’re being affected by any of these challenges above or any other challenge, we are here to help.



A confidential, safe space to work on what’s not working

If you do not feel comfortable attending sessions in person or if it is more convenient for you to meet someone online, most of our Therapists are now offering Online Counselling via a secure, encrypted online video call platform.   Please enquire via our Contact Form.

All of our team are fully qualified and experienced Counsellors, Psychotherapists or Psychologists and can help with any issue, but each person has their own area of expertise too.

Rosaria works with trauma and disordered eating.

Mark works with anxiety, low self-esteem and works with teens as well as adults.

Riadhna works with teens (16+) and adults, specialising in addiction.

Aneta works with trauma and addiction.

Karolina works with adults who experienced abuse, anxiety,  grief and loss.

Geraldine works with coping with serious health issues – any new diagnosis of a chronic illness such as MS, MND, cancer, dementia, alzheimers.

Janine is a Counselling Psychologist and works with OCD, acquired brain injury and disordered eating. 

To see all of our practitioners full profiles and contact someone directly, please visit our Counsellors Directory.




Anxiety & Stress

One in five adults will experience anxiety at some point in their lives, and 20% of people struggle with anxiety regularly, so it is not unusual at all, and there is no need to feel upset or ashamed.  We have had a lot to cope with in the past couple of years! Many people have struggled with the significant changes and losses we’ve all had to go through

Anxiety can affect you both physically and mentally.   Anxiety covers a wide range of experiences including:

– severe stress, 

– panic attacks, 

– OCD – becoming obsessive or compulsive about certain situations or repeating patterns of behaviour, 

– social phobia – not wanting to go out or even fearing being out with other people or in certain situations/locations, 

and generalised anxiety disorder – just feeling anxious most of the time. 

Any version of anxiety can have a significant impact on our ability to get on with our day to day activities and relationships.  If you’ve been feeling anxious or worried recently, if you are withdrawing from friends and family, or if you find yourself becoming a bit obsessive and your thoughts are repetitive or ruminating, then we can help.  

Learn more here: Counselling for Anxiety


Any form of addictive behaviour is a way of ‘numbing out’ and avoiding what is really going on.  It can often start out quite innocently, but if any particular behaviour has gotten out of hand, remember it is NOT your fault. Many of the things we become addicted to are designed to be like that – pulling you back for more. If you or anyone in your family is struggling with an addiction – alcohol, drugs, the internet, social media, gambling… we’ll help both you and your partner or family member tackle it together – whatever you prefer.

Learn more here: Addiction Counselling


There are two types of depression – Reactive Depression and Chronic Depression.  

Many of us will have at least one experience of Reactive Depression in our lifetimes – this is when something happens that significantly impacts us, usually something very traumatic or difficult. It could be the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, an accident or serious health issue or some other experience.  It is completely normal to experience a period of depression or prolonged low mood or just feeling numb and uninterested in life after any serious event.

Chronic depression is when you have repeated episodes of low mood, so it is an ongoing issue for you.  If you or a loved one are experiencing any type of low mood, depression, loss of interest in life, any level of suicidal thoughts, or using self-harm as a way to cope, we an help.

Learn more about Depression and how we can help here.

Eating Disorders

We have a well-deserved reputation as a centre providing support to any adult struggling with Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia, Compulsive Overeating and anyone trapped in a cycle of ‘Serial Dieting’ – Diet/Crash/Binge/Guilt Diet.  If you are looking for treatment or support for emotional eating or binge eating disorder we can help. 

Please note we do not work with anyone under 18 years of age struggling with an eating disorder. Please refer to your GP for assessment and onward referral to CAMHS – the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, who have dedicated staff who work with teenagers struggling with Disordered Eating.

Learn more about the Eating Freely Program for Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder here.

Trauma and PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress

When something traumatic happens, it can be hard to process what you have experienced or witnessed. it can be a recent, shocking event or something that happened a long time ago. We have Therapists who are highly experienced in working with trauma, for more information click here: Trauma & PTSD

Coping With Chronic Illness

Whether you have been diagnosed yourself with a chronic illness or you are a family member, we have specialist support available here at Sandyford Wellness Centre.  Illnesses such as Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Neurone Disease, Fybromyalgia, Lupus, ME or any other long term illness that you or a loved one have to learn to live with, have a significant impact, on both the patient and their families.  Learning how to manage, care for yourself and/or your loved one and accessing supports will all help enormously and improve relationships as you adapt to your situation. For support with a chronic illness, email us in confidence via our Contact Form or contact Geraldine Dunne directly via our Counsellors Directory.

Suicide & Self Harm

We have experienced counsellors to help anyone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts, or with family members/friends who have lost someone to suicide.  For more information,  please contact us in complete confidence here.


Unfortunately, cannot offer any placement or volunteer opportunities, as we are committed to a contract to provide placements to a specific college.  We regret that we cannot enter into correspondence with any students/graduates in this regard. Thank you!

 Contact Us

Please see our Counsellors Directory to contact any one of our counsellors directly, or contact us through our Contact Form.