Counselling for Suicidal Feelings, Self-harm and Loss through Suicide

Suicidal ideation is a common medical term for thoughts about suicide. Thoughts may be only happen occasionally, or they may be very regular and eventually resolve into a plan. Many people have occasional thoughts of ‘ending it all’, or ‘not being here’, but do not take their own lives. However just having these thoughts is very distressing, and a strong signal that you should seek professional support. 

Many people who experience suicidal thoughts do not die by suicide, although they may exhibit suicidal behavior or make suicide attempts.  Equally, someone may have suicidal thoughts for a short period of time, and attempt to take their own life in that time. All suicidal ideation should be taken seriously, so do not hesitate if you think someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide.  You can contact a crisis line like the Samaritans 24/7 to ask for help, or contact Pieta House for free or sliding scale support.

People who find themselves experiencing suicidal thoughts or behaviors may find that they do so as a result of low mood, a bereavement or loss, a key life event like losing a job, a relationship breakdown, addiction or any other mental health challenge or difficult life experience. Do not struggle alone, tell someone you are not okay and ask for help sooner rather than later.  Trained, professional counsellors like our team here at Sandyford Wellness know how to help you work on what brought you to this point, and to safely move on.

How to recognise suicide warning signs and what you can do to help

If you’re worried that a friend or loved one is suffering or thinking of suicide – here are some of the key warning signs to watch out for:

What to listen for:

    • Talking or writing about hurting themselves, dying or saying that they want to die
    • Talking about ways to die or having a suicide plan
    • Saying that they are ‘trapped’ or have no options in their life
  • Saying they have no purpose in their lives, that they feel hopeless

What to look for:

    • Engaging in self-harm or reckless, risk taking behaviour
    • Giving items away or saying goodbye to people
    • Becoming more inward looking and withdrawing from family and friends
    • Changes in their sleep patterns – too much or too little sleep
    • Extreme emotions or dramatic changes in mood
  • Increasing their use of drugs or alcohol

If you recognise one or more of these warning signs in a friend or family member’s behaviour, do not wait for someone else to do something.  Speak to them, and speak to someone else – your GP, and/or a crisis line like the Samaritans or Pieta House, or contact us for professional support.

We can also help. We have several very experienced counsellors who have worked with both Pieta House and with the Samaritans and can support adults struggling with thoughts of suicide, engaged in self-harming, anyone supporting a friend or family member who is feeling suicidal, and anyone who has lost a friend or family member to suicide.

Karolina Szemerda 

Karolina Banaszkiewicz, a Counsellor in South Dublin

Areas of Speciality: I work with Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Trauma and clients who experience depression, post-traumatic stress symptoms, anxiety, grief and loss, addiction, low self-esteem, relationship issues, and life changes and transitions. I have a particular interest in transgenerational trauma and shame. Trauma impacts our well-being socially, and emotionally, and the development of our brain.

Available Online and in person? YES

Languages: English and Polish

I am a member of the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy IACP. 

After painful experiences, it is important to work on restoring a capacity to play, connect and thrive with both your family and friends, and the extended community around you, by growing the ”C” qualities: curiosity, clarity, creativity, commitment, calm, courage, compassion, and confidence. We will work slowly and safely on building your toolkit together.

Email Karolina

Call Karolina: 085 7748269