How can counselling help you?

What is Counselling?

 It is an opportunity to work with a qualified professional who can provide objective support and help you:

  • Explore issues that cause difficulties in work, or in relationships with others in your life;
  • Help you understand yourself better, and what you might want to change;
  • Safely explore options without any expectation to make a decision before you are ready;
  • Make positive changes – health, wellbeing, communicating, and/or lifestyle, that benefit YOU;
  • Find better ways of dealing with difficult issues or stressful situations.

Often, by having time and space to talk about your concerns and issues with a supportive listener who has no agenda, you can begin to gain an clarity and a different perspective that can help you understand your options better.

Although it may not feel like it sometimes, you are the expert in your own life. A Counsellor is a facilitator, helping you to explore your own past and present, and supporting you in making the choices that help YOU resolve any issues you may be struggling with right now.

We have a team of qualified and experienced Therapists who can support you with almost any issue, and each of whom also have an area or two of speciality – listed below.






To make an appointment please email us via our contact form by clicking here: Sandyford Wellness Contact or check our Counsellor and Therapist Directory to find the right professional for you and contact them directly.

Our counselling and psychology services include specialist support for:

Abuse – physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse.

Addiction – alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, shopping, internet.

Anxiety – social anxiety, low self-esteem, generalised anxiety disorder

Chronic illness support for you and your family – MS, Parkinsons, Cancer, Motor Neurone Disease, aquired brain injury and stroke.

Depression and mood disorders

Eating Disorders – Emotional Eating, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia

Relationship issues (individuals only) – relationship difficulties, transitions, break up.

Trauma – Adverse childhood experience, accidents, inter-generational trauma, abuse survivors.

Bereavement, grief and loss

Acquired brain injury and traumatic brain injury – support for family members